Saturday, July 9, 2011

Around the fire...

On the Up!

Still watching!

Watching a film!!

Very wet!


Water fight!

Launching the water-bomb!!

Parachutes and water-bombs!!



Enjoying lunch!!



More shelters

What A Beautiful Campsite

BSM Camp

Building shelters

Nearly at the top!!

Solving problems

Hunting treasure

Going up the wall...

Close Up!!

Wall Up!

The Wall Arrives

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pinochhio - by Year 5!

Earth, Moon and Sun Activity

Try the activity below.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=""
 <param name="movie" value="" />
 <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We started by getting old newspapers and a old cup with no handle.Then we folded it into thirds and used one third of it. Next we rolled it up as shown in the picture, took the cup out and made the bottom secure so we could put compost into it. We put compost half way up then put three seeds spaced out in the soil (as shown in the picture). After we put the soil on top and patted it down. We put it on a tray and put water in the tray so it could soak water up. After a few days we saw the soots begin to grow and we will have a variety of foods like peas, sugar snap peas, sunflowers and lettuce. And they are now growing great. We can see the leaves now and it is exciting.
                                                    By GB,KL,DR

Seed Dispersal

This is one of the finished posters.
In class we have been making seed dispersal posters for our topic Green Fingers.

This is one being made.

 This is how we made them, first we got a  big piece of paper. Next we chose a way that the seed could move away from the adult plant. For example, a sycamore tree's seed spins down from the tree like a helicopter. Then we made models with a written explanation for our poster.

By H.P

Sunday, March 27, 2011

WWII Evacuation

Click on the links below for evacuation websites.
Next click on Launch the animation, then click on Evacuees.

Next type in evacuation in the search box and click on Search.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Enterprise week in Y5

Welcome to the latest y5 blog on enterprise week!!! This week y5 have been busy making Masquerade masks in different styles, colours and materials so a pretty hectic week for y5!!!

On Friday 18th March the children are going to sell their prouducts in the hall,the class with the most money will win and all the money we raised will go to Comic Relief.
  This is Thomas, Fraser and Holleigh making their masks
                                                 Here is the class photo of our finshed masks

                                                    Here is one of the amazing masks by y5

Here are just some of the pictures of our masks and us making them.
By Charlie, Fraser and Jacques

Thursday, March 17, 2011


On Wednesday the 16th March Year 5 were teaching each other skills that we thought people would like to learn. First we had to think of the skill, then how we would teach it and any resources that we needed.  After that we were put us into pairs and we had quarter of an hour to teach the skill.
It was amazing how many different skills and talents our class taught. We also had lots of fun teaching one another.
M.H and K.L

Sam teaching drums.
Holleigh teaching gymnastics.
Logan teaching football.
Alex teaching dancing
Brandon learning to tie a slip knot.
Origami, sewing, recorder and drawing being taught.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dunkirk Ships!

This half term we are learning about WW2, in topic we made Dunkirk ships. It took about 2 weeks to do but it was fun.
First we made the basic shape using half of a cereal box and then put the bow on, and the top and bottom of the bow. Next we put a funnel on too and a cabin. Some people were clever enough to make a steering wheel and chair, AMAZING! Lastly, we painted it and here are some of the finished results.

What fantastic work by these two wonderful girls!

by GB and HP