Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We started by getting old newspapers and a old cup with no handle.Then we folded it into thirds and used one third of it. Next we rolled it up as shown in the picture, took the cup out and made the bottom secure so we could put compost into it. We put compost half way up then put three seeds spaced out in the soil (as shown in the picture). After we put the soil on top and patted it down. We put it on a tray and put water in the tray so it could soak water up. After a few days we saw the soots begin to grow and we will have a variety of foods like peas, sugar snap peas, sunflowers and lettuce. And they are now growing great. We can see the leaves now and it is exciting.
                                                    By GB,KL,DR

Seed Dispersal

This is one of the finished posters.
In class we have been making seed dispersal posters for our topic Green Fingers.

This is one being made.

 This is how we made them, first we got a  big piece of paper. Next we chose a way that the seed could move away from the adult plant. For example, a sycamore tree's seed spins down from the tree like a helicopter. Then we made models with a written explanation for our poster.

By H.P